Rug Cleaning


Rug Cleaning

We make your rugs to reflect your pride.

Regarding a rug cleaning service, many people ask the same questions- Should my rug be cleaned or should it be replaced? How much do the best carpet cleaners charge for cleaning and is the service worth it? How does a rug cleaning service work? Will they offer me pickup and delivery? Let’s take it as a standard day-to-day rug cleaning process. Our advice is if your rug is not too expensive, don’t consider hiring a rug cleaning company, just replace it.

But if you have a valuable rug of unique or perhaps something with delicate composition and looking for that "ornamental rug cleaning near me" service, then book us! Wool rugs, silk rugs, cotton rugs, Turkish rugs, Berber rugs, Chinese rugs are all very valuable! Therefore a thorough but careful rug wash is the best solution, which professional rug cleaners call a "rug pit wash". This is a restoration process done by trained rug cleaners using special cleaning equipment. Wool rugs need to be washed deep down owing to their density. Any simple rug cleaning methods leave behind soils which mix with residue and create damage to the fibers. That means these rugs should never be cleaned in your house in the normal way.

We have a warehouse available and send out our van for pickup. Our specialist rug cleaners await your rug at our washing facility and will take care of it on arrival. Once our restoration wash is complete, we dry the rug properly in our dehumidifying dry rooms. Silk and Cotton rugs can also be washed. Silk is very temperamental, so only a specialist should be trusted with this rug cleaning job. There is also a wide range of natural fibers like viscose, jute, and hemp that only experienced rug cleaners can identify properly to see which process would be the best for cleaning. Our rug cleaners also look over the custom blend rugs that use multiple fibers.

Permanent damage can be extremely expensive, so if you are worried about your selected rug cleaning company, we suggest you drop the rugs off yourself at the facility. If this is not convenient, consider visiting the facility prior to collection to see and feel comfortable with the rug cleaners.

picture of a freshly cleaned rug

The steps we follow:

  • When we assess a customer's rug, we evaluate and check tolerance levels and conditions of the rugs.

  • All the loose soil or dust is dislodged from the rug prior to rug wash.

  • Decontamination and rinsing processes are then followed up. 


  • After this, we place your rug in the pit to be washed thoroughly. 


  • Once this step is completed, the rug is moved to our centrifuge for high volume rinse and spin dry. 

  • Your valued rug will then be treated with acid to prevent browning and preserve it. 

  • It with then be groomed properly and re-inspected. 

  • Finally, the rug will go into our dehumidifying, rug drying area to be dried professionally.

  • When our professional rug cleaners are satisfied with the results, they will stack and prep it for delivery.
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